Statistics Canada released a report on Wednesday on the impact of smoking bans.

Do smoking bans work?

Yes 75% No 25%

Smoking bands do work and I know that first hand. When I decided to quit smoking three years ago smoking band just started being in effect about the same time. It made it so much easier for me (and some people I know) to quit, because you don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that you don't want to go outside to light up on -50c. Since the smoking band started being in effect I can actually breath in our lounges, bars and coffee shops and I come home stink-free.
Tanja Markovic -Winnipeg

Oh yes they work here, they work so well you can't walk outside. The children, who were the original reason for cutting out smoking indoors, now have to walk past smokers puffing madly on their coffee breaks, at hospital entrances, outdoor restaurant patios [ non smokers have to eat inside],offices and businesses. Another example of not thinking things through .
Gale Pearase

Of course smoking bans work. You never see anyone smoking in restaurants, bars, workplaces or public buildings anymore. Now let's go the next step and take on "big tobacco". Stop growing, manufacturing and selling tobacco products. This battle would be tremendously interesting to watch. The spin doctoring by the tobacco companies and the various levels of Governments as a multi-billion dollar industry and a multi-billion dollar tax grab is put in jeopardy would make history I'm sure.Ever see the movie "Thank You For Smoking"?
Bill in Ottawa

In some places the smoking ban has worked, however, I find that smokers still congregate outside building doors puffing away and blowing smoke in the face of those of us coming in and out of the building. In one instance I mentioned to a woman that she should not be within 15m of the doors and she told me to go to hell. So, inside buildings, yes, the ban works. Immediately outside buildings, no, not in the least and it's not enforced.
KMoore - Roslin, ON

My partner is allergic to second hand smoke so for years we did not go out to restaurants because of the second hand smoke. I always felt having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having a peeing section in a swimming pool. (not my quote). Now we go out on a regular basis and enjoy our food. Even the more popular restaurants have waiting times to get seated so I can't see where "business has declined since we went smoke free" logic comes in to play. Now if we can only get smokers to realize that cigarette butts are not biodegradeable, so quit throwing them out in parking lots, city sidewalks, peoples' yards, etc.
Brian Mckay - Winnipeg

I teach at a high school of almost 2000 students. Sadly with the new law imposed last year banning smoking on public grounds, we can proudly say that our colleagues smoke on the sidewalk in front of our school through the autumn, winter, and spring months, but our students continue to smoke on the school grounds.
Sandra Di Marco

It is just WONDERFUL for my husband and me to be able to go to restaurants now - both of us are severely affected by cigarette smoke and other scents. We can go almost anywhere now - it is so freeing. We LOVE the smoking bans!
Sal Jones - Red Deer

If your votes say that smoking bans work (as I expect they will), then we should expand it to other addictions. Let's deny access to restaurants of anyone whose body weight ratio says that they are addicted to eating. Let's deny access of these people to our hospitals unless they go on a crash diet while being treated. After all .... the bans aren't designed to be an improvement in health to people who do not share the addiction ... the ban is for the addicted person's own good.

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