LOS ANGELES - A juror described some contentious moments, including yelling and cajoling, during two days of deliberations before reaching the guilty verdict in the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor.

Dr. Conrad Murray was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter for supplying Jackson with the drug he craved for sleep. The 50-year-old entertainer died on June 25, 2009.

Forty-eight-year-old Debbie Franklin, who was Juror No. 5, told ABC-TV's "Good Morning America" that most of the jurors had decided Murray's guilt on Friday, the first day of deliberations. But a vote at the end of the day wasn't unanimous and Franklin says things got stressful.

There was yelling, but she says the majority managed to convince all jurors that Murray's negligence and mistakes caused Jackson's death.

The videotaped interview was broadcast on Wednesday.