The speculation of when the Duchess of Cambridge might produce an heir may be behind us, but the real work of gossip and conjecture is only just beginning. For now the next question has become: what will the child be named?

While social media was abuzz with news of the royal pregnancy, British bookmakers got straight to work on the odds of whether the baby will be named after her great-grandmother if it’s a girl, or his grandfather if it’s a boy.

On Monday, Ladbrokes put the odds of a wee Princess Elizabeth at 8-1, with Frances, John and Charles at 10-1. Diana, Anne and James were next at 12-1.

Jessica Bridge of Ladbrokes told The Daily Mail the Royal Couple will likely stick with a traditional name.

'If they're expecting a girl who better to name her after than Her Majesty?†Bridge asked.

While there are no specific rules for naming a new member of the British Royal Family, those who have given birth to a potential future monarch have tended to stick with names befitting the title.

The Queen is, of course, Elizabeth II, while Prince Charles would follow Charles I and II on the throne (though it has been reported he may choose to reign as George VII in honour of his maternal grandfather).

Prince William and Henry, known in the British press as “the heir and the spare,†also both have names of regal lineage.

But what to name the future third-in-line to the throne? It seems unlikely the pair will go the way of Hollywood and call the child Dweezil or Peaches.

While oddsmakers seem confident that Will and Kate will call their daughter Elizabeth, Diana may emerge as another popular favourite, in honour of the child’s late grandmother. Kate does, after all, wear Princess Diana’s engagement ring.

It seems unlikely that a baby boy would get his grandfather’s name, but perhaps Philip, for his great-grandfather. Early speculation for a boy also includes Spencer, Princess Diana’s maiden name, and Andrew, for St. Andrews University where the couple met.

No matter what name they choose, they can always include a handful of middle names, in keeping with royal tradition, to honour members of both sides of the family. William himself has three middle names: Arthur Philip Louis.

Diana, Elizabeth or even Catherine could be middle names should the couple choose a more unique name for their daughter. And Charles, Henry, or even Francis, Kate’s father’s middle name, could round out their son’s name.

If they get stuck, Will and Kate could look to the advice offered over Twitter by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Canada’s seventh prime minister.

“Congrats to Their Royal Highnesses William & Kate on the imminent arrival. Wilfrid is a nice name for a boy #justsaying #royalbaby @HRH_baby.â€