A new video has surfaced that provides a rare glimpse into the reclusive, hermit kingdom of North Korea, with the aim of showing a day in the ‘regular life’ of locals.

In a series of time-lapse photos, acceleration, slow motion, HD and digital animation, the three-minute video produced by JT Singh and Rob Whitworth takes viewers to Pyongyang, home to blocks of high rises, large boulevards and a modern underground metro system.

But the vignettes also show a city stuck in a kind of time warp, circa 1960s or 70s. And despite the wide boulevards and avenues, the video also reveals a conspicuous lack of cars and immaculately clean streets.

Predictably, the pair of producers say they were followed closely by guides from the country’s National Tourism Administration and forbidden to shoot any footage of construction sites, undeveloped locations or military personnel.

In recent years, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea has been making attempts to boost tourism, opening up its annual marathon to foreign amateur competitors and frantically completing what it boldly called a world class ski resort, as rival South Korea prepares to host the 2018 Winter Olympic Games.

North Korea is open to tourists via organized tour outfits that specialize in the country, including Koryo Tours, Lupine Tours and New Korea Tours.

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