Many people are saying Donald Trump played loose with the facts in a recent attack on Hillary Clinton, and they’ve turned his own words against him in a popular meme.

On Monday, Trump tweeted about , an Iranian nuclear scientist who was hanged last week for allegations of leaking Iran’s state secrets to the U.S.

“Many people are saying that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. because of Hillary Clinton's hacked emails,” Trump tweeted to his 10.8 million followers.

The reasoning behind Trump’s comment – “many people are saying” – was widely criticized for relying on hearsay rather than evidence. No connection has been made between Clinton’s email scandal and Amiri’s execution, and the FBI has said there is no proof that Clinton’s emails were ever hacked because of her private account.

Twitter users were quick to jump on Trump’s wording and spin it against him in a hashtag: #ManyPeopleAreSaying.

Trump isn’t the first person to link Clinton’s emails to Amiri’s death. Speaking on CBS's "Face the Nation" on Sunday, Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton said that there "were on Hillary Clinton's private server, there were conversations among her senior advisers about this gentleman."

"That goes to show just how reckless and careless her decision was to put that kind of highly classified information on a private server," he said.

A Clinton campaign spokesperson labelled the accusations “a conspiracy theory.”

“(Trump) and his supporters continue to use increasingly desperate rhetoric to attack Hillary Clinton and make absurd accusations because they have no ideas for American people,” Clinton spokesperson Jesse Lehrich told the Washington Post.

Amiri defected to the U.S. amid a concerted push by the West to undermine Iran’s nuclear program. He returned to Iran in 2010 with blessings from government leaders, but was later imprisoned for spying.

With files from the Associated Press