U.S. Secretary of Energy Rick Perry raised eyebrows with his claim that the use of fossil fuels can help prevent sexual assault.

Perry was speaking about the importance of expanding fossil fuel use in remote villages in Africa during a panel discussion hosted by NBC and Axios in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. He recalled a recent trip to Africa, where he said a young girl told him how electricity is important to her because she often has to read by the light of a fire that brings with it harmful fumes.

The former Texas governor then continued on something of a tangent saying:

“But also from the standpoint of sexual assault. When the lights are on, when you have light that shines, the righteousness, if you will on those types of acts,” Perry said.

When a reporter for The Hill , it was met with nearly 200 comments, the majority of which ridiculed the energy secretary’s remarks.

Some Twitter users took the opportunity to make light of the comment by comparing sexual predators to vampires or cockroaches, which are notorious for scurrying from the light.

Other commenters pointed to the potential for solar energy to produce the same results as fossil fuels in this respect.

One poster noted the abundance of fossil fuel in the U.S. where allegations of sexual assault against Perry’s boss U.S. President Donald Trump, executives at Fox News and Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein have surfaced.

Some users shared personal stories of assault to counter Perry’s suggestion.