The battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is playing out in Clevelandā€™s public square, where enterprising Americans are hawking provocative, and sometimes highly offensive, political paraphernalia.

One man is doing brisk business selling ā€œHillary for Prisonā€ hats, buttons and T-shirts.

'Hillary for Prison' t-shirts

Others are offering apparel that references Monica Lewinsky. One T-shirt shows Trump racing toward the Whitehouse on a chopper bike, with Clinton falling off the back.

Hillary Clinton t-shirt

One vendor, who was sporting a stars and stripes stovetop hat Thursday, is finding plenty of takers for his ā€œStop Trump Save Americaā€ buttons.

Republican convention buttons

He said heā€™s worried about the ā€œclimateā€ he sees Trump creating. ā€œWe see a resurgence of Jim Crowism,ā€ he said. ā€œWe see a resurgence of black versus white, brown versus black.ā€

Mexican border wall painting in Cleveland

An artist is there selling prints of his pro-Trump paintings, including one featuring a Mexican border wall so big it appears visible from space. A huge bald eagle soars overhead.

ā€œThereā€™s people coming into the home over the back wall and they shouldnā€™t be coming into our home,ā€ the artist said. ā€œCome in through the door.ā€

Red ball caps with Trumpā€™s famous ā€œMake America Great Againā€ slogan are also popular. Theyā€™re selling at a price of one for $20 or two for $30.

Among those taking in the spectacle Thursday was Brexit-proponent Nigel Farage, who told CTVā€™s Chief News Anchor Lisa LaFlamme heā€™s there to explain how his U.K. Independence party ā€œoverturned the establishment.ā€

Nigel Farage and Lisa LaFlamme

ā€œThere's a lot of news agencies and politicians in America that want to know how did we do it, and is it relevant to what's happening here in November?ā€ Farage said.

LaFlamme asked about the comparisons to the Republicanā€™s nominee.

ā€œDonald Trump doesnā€™t drink, doesn't smoke and he's worth a lot of money,ā€ Farage said. ā€œSo on those three counts, we're completely different.ā€