Light is his medium. The U.S. capitalā€™s grand edifices are his canvas. U.S. President Donald Trump is his muse.

Meet , a Washington, D.C.-based artist who is using mobile projectors to protest against the United Statesā€™ new Republican government.

ā€œThere is clear outrage in this country and around the world about the Trump administration,ā€ Bell told Ā鶹“«Ć½ Channel on Friday.

ā€œAnd we want to focus that energy and let people know that itā€™s not just Donald Trump, but itā€™s a whole institutionā€¦ itā€™s a system thatā€™s not holding him and these others accountable.ā€

Using light, Bell has taken aim at Trumpā€™s entire team.

The hashtag ā€œ#SESSIONSMUSTGOā€ and a cartoon image of Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a Ku Klux Klan uniform was recently projected on the Department of Justiceā€™s headquarters to protest against the former Alabama senator, who has been dogged by accusations of racism.

At the headquarters of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Bell projected the words ā€œDONā€™T LET A CLIMATE DENIER TAKE OVER THE EPA,ā€ a jab at the new EPA head, Scott Pruitt, who sued the agnecy more than a dozen times when he was Oklahomaā€™s Attorney General.

ā€œA lot of these officials, they donā€™t actually respect the departments theyā€™re head of,ā€ Bell said. ā€œAnd so we have a lot of inspiration for making art around these people who do not care about the government and are trying to destroy it from within.ā€

The controversial new Trump International Hotel has also been targeted. One message, projected just above the hotelā€™s main entrance with an arrow, read ā€œPAY TRUMP BRIBES HERE.ā€

ā€œThe Trump hotel in Washington, D.C. just made sense,ā€ Bell said. ā€œThis is where foreign governments are changing their reservations from other hotels and restaurants in Washington, D.C. to the Trump hotel so that they can get access to the president.ā€

Bell says that he has no plans to stop his projection protests any time soon.

ā€œThis is 100 per cent legal and falls under First Amendment rights,ā€ he said. ā€œPeople on the streets of Washington love what weā€™re doing.ā€