HALIFAX -- Nova Scotia Liberals say a consultant's report done for the province's consumer advocate shows an analysis by Emera of the Muskrat Falls project is faulty and biased to favour the utility company's desired outcome.

Liberal Energy critic Andrew Younger calls the advocate's report "damning" because it was done by what he contends is the only truly independent entity in the regulatory process.

He says it shows the utility and government are wrong in the assertion the hydroelectric project is the best cost option for ratepayers.

But Premier Darrell Dexter says a series of other reports demonstrate the benefits of the project and it will be up to the Utility and Review Board to decide who's right.

He says his confidence in the project has not been shaken.

The NDP government says new information submitted by consultant John Dalton shows the cost of building a subsea link between Nova Scotia and Newfoundland will be cheaper than two alternatives not considered in a report he released in January.