LONDON - For sale: Three water cannons, no recent use.

London Mayor Sadiq Khan says he is selling three secondhand water cannons that were purchased by his predecessor after 2011 riots in the British capital.

Former Mayor Boris Johnson bought the 25-year-old water cannons from Germany for the Metropolitan Police in 2014, but was barred from using them by then-Home Secretary Theresa May because they could cause injuries including concussions and spinal fractures.

Khan said Wednesday that the cannons, bought for 85,000 pounds ($108,000), have already cost Londoners 322,834 pounds ($410,000), including 19,000 pounds for repainting and almost 1,000 pounds to install radios and CD players.

The mayor says the vehicles will be sold by the Ministry of Defence to the “highest and most reputable†bidder from an EU police or civil-protection organization.