A Hungarian TV camera operator has been let go after she was filmed kicking and tripping refugees, including children, as they tried to run away from police at a Hungarian border town. 

Media outlets in Hungary and elsewhere have identified the woman as Petra Laszlo. In a video shot by another journalist, she is seen sticking her leg in front of a refugee man carrying a child and causing him to trip as he tried to evade police.

In other videos shared on social media, Laszlo was seen kicking a young girl. 

Laszlo was filming footage for Hungary’s N1TV at the time.

Laszlo is a camera operator for the nationalistic television channel “closely linked to the country’s far-right Jobbik party.â€

N1TV released a statement on Facebook Tuesday, saying that Laszlo was dismissed for behaving “unacceptably.â€


KÖZLEMÉNY/RELEASEAz N1TV munkatársa a mai napon elfogadhatatlanul viselkedett a röszkei gyűjtÅ‘pontnál. Az operatÅ‘r...

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