Political leaders including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, British Prime Minister Theresa May and former U.S. presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Hillary Clinton have all reacted to racist tweets by U.S. President Donald Trump, who said that four non-white congresswomen, three of them born in America, should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.â€

Here’s a look at what they said.

Justin Trudeau

The prime minister told reporters in Petawawa, Ont., on Monday that “Canadians and indeed people around the world know exactly what I think about those particular comments. That is not how we do things in Canada.â€

Jagmeet Singh

The NDP leader, who has been the target of racism in the past, called the tweets “a sad & ugly display of racism by a President that shows no interest in, or ability to unite people.â€

Theresa May

Through a spokesperson, the outgoing British prime minister said that she thinks that “the language which was used to refer to the women was completely unacceptable.â€

Boris Johnson

The favourite to replace May as U.K. prime minister next month said: “If you’re the leader of a great multiracial, multicultural society you simply cannot use that kind of language.â€

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

The congresswoman from New York, who was one of the targets of Trump’s tweets, told reporters that the president "does not know how to defend his policies and so what he does is attack us personally.â€

Ayanna Pressley

The Massachusetts Congresswoman, another of Trump’s targets, said that the “xenophobic, bigoted†tweets are a "disruptive distraction from the issues.†She warned: “Do not take the bait.â€

Ilhan Omar

The Minnesota Representative, who is originally from Somalia, called the tweets directed at her and three others an attempt to "pit us against" each other. She and Rashida Tlaib, a Michigan congresswoman and Trump’s other target, called for impeachment.

Mitt Romney

The Utah senator and 2012 Republican presidential nominee called the president’s comments “destructive, demeaning and disunifying.â€

John Kasich

The former Ohio governor and congressman urged fellow Republicans to speak out against the comments, which he said contradict the "foundation of our country and all that we teach our children."

Lindsey Graham

The Republican senator from South Carolina told Fox News that Trump should “take on their policies†instead of launching personal attacks. He also called the women “a bunch of communists (who) hate Israel (and) hate our own country."

Mitch McConnell

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, declined to comment on the situation, telling reporters he would “address whatever questions you have†at a news conference on Tuesday.

Nancy Pelosi

The U.S. Congressional Majority Leader, a Democrat, said that Trump’s comments “reaffirm his plan to ‘Make America Great Again’ has always been about making America white again.â€

Kevin McCarthy

The House Minority Leader, a Republican, told reporters that he doesn’t think Trump is a racist but said of the congresswomen that “this is their country†and “they have a right to give their opinion."

Hillary Clinton

The 2016 Democratic presidential nominee suggested that Trump attacked the women because “they brought attention to the inhumane conditions they saw at this administration's (migrant) detention camps.â€