As Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States of America on Friday, social media exploded with people reacting to the momentous event.

“God Bless America,” “Mourning in America,” “Donald J. Trump” and “Donald the Unready” were all trending for parts of the day, showing a clear discrepancy in reaction to the change of power in Washington.

In addition, many took to Twitter to say goodbye to President Barack Obama, the hashtag #ThankYouObama was trending for much of the morning. Celebrities alike also weighed in with their take on President Trump’s new role.

Here’s a look at what many had to say about the change:


Donald J. Trump

But, in contrast, #MourninginAmerica was also trending Friday.

#DONALDTHEUNREADY was trending, too.

Meanwhile, many celebrities headed online on Friday to either congratulate or condemn the new president.

There was also much praise for Barack Obama as he exited the White House.

Another notable trend that showed up online Friday was people commentingon Donald Trump’s background photo on his Twitter account.

At one point, it appeared to show a picture of a large inauguration crowd--but many people on Twitter were quick to ask if that photo was actually a picture of the crowd at Barack Obama’s inauguration.

Google Trends also released data on Friday, highlighting exactly what people were searching for as the inauguration took place.

Google Trends data

Google trends on Trump's searches on inaug day

Additionally, Google Trends pointed out that after Melania Trump came out, dressed in a light blue jacket, many compared her outfit to one that Jackie Kennedy had worn at her husband’s inauguration in 1961. It says spiked right after.