Conrad Black says that his ā€œold friendā€ Donald Trump is not anti-Muslim, despite a proposal for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States,ā€ and that a President Trump would avoid the pitfalls of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Black, the Canadian-born media baron and presidential biographer, heaped praise on Trump during an interview on CTV Power Play, calling him ā€œa delightful raconteur, a gentleman, a suave character with a beautiful and charming wife.ā€

Black stopped short, however, of endorsing the Republican front-runner, clarifying, ā€œI like him but heā€™s not my candidate.ā€

Black elaborated on an entitled ā€œTrump Is the Good Guy.ā€ In the piece, he wrote that U.S. politics is funded by sources like the ā€œsleazy and opinionated philistines in the entertainment industryā€ and ā€œcorrupt and vulgar and virtually all Americans know it.ā€

Black argued that Trump supporters are reacting to 20 years of bad government. ā€œIt is little wonder that the country is looking elsewhere than the ranks of its elected officials to find a possible president,ā€ he wrote.

The Lord Black of Crossharbour, as heā€™s also known, was asked to explain Trumpā€™s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. and he said Trump ā€œshouldnā€™t have said it the way he said it.ā€

Black said he believes Trump is merely proposing the same as FBI Director James B. Comey.

ā€œComey said you canā€™t screen these people adequately if you bring them in quickly, and Donald is not saying we canā€™t ever have Muslim immigrants,ā€ Black explained. ā€œHeā€™s saying we canā€™t let them in right now without proper screening.ā€

ā€œHe does, at least, unlike most of the candidates, acknowledge that the United States is partly responsible for the huge numbers of refugees,ā€ Black added. ā€œIf the U.S. hadnā€™t invaded (Iraq)ā€¦ we wouldnā€™t have millions of refugees.ā€

Black also stressed that he believes Trumpā€™s campaign is not focused on opposing minority groups like Muslims, but instead is aiming at American people who are ā€œmad as hell at the last 20 years of misgovernment by administrations and Congresses of both parties.ā€

Trump, Black predicted, would ā€œsettle it downā€ if he ever won the Oval Office.

ā€œHe would actually define national interest, not over-extend like George W., not retreat like Obama, not have self-erasing red lines and he would stop the deficits.ā€

After Blackā€™s essay was published online Tuesday, Trump tweeted: "What an honor to read your piece. As one of the truly great intellects & my friend, I won't forget!!"