WASHINGTON - U.S. President George Bush announced steps Tuesday to protect Americans from unsafe products from abroad after a rash of recalls of dangerous toothpaste, dog food and toys.

Bush said the United States benefits from having an open market and a huge variety of products from across the globe.

However, he said, "We need to do more to ensure that American families have confidence in what they find on our store shelves. They have the right to expect the food they eat, the medicines they take or the toys they buy for their children to be safe."

Acting on recommendations from an advisory panel, Bush proposed that the Food and Drug Administration be empowered to order mandatory recalls of products deemed a risk to consumers. Currently, the FDA lacks the authority to order recalls, but works with producers on voluntary recalls. The new proposal, which requires approval by Congress, would give the agency far more clout.

Bush also proposed increasing the presence of U.S. inspectors from Customs, the Border Patrol, the Consumer Product Safety Commission and other agencies in countries that are major exporters to the United States.

Other proposals would strengthen CPSC's authority by making it illegal for companies to knowingly sell a recalled product; by authorizing the CPSC to issue follow-up recall announcements, and by requiring recalling companies to report supplier and delivery information. Further, CPSC would be able to impose asset forfeiture penalties for criminal offenses.

A third recommendation calls for establishing a certification program -- likened to a seal of approval -- for companies with a proven track record for meeting safety standards. The Bush administration sees that as a powerful tool because it presumably would make certified suppliers more attractive to big retailers.

In addition, regulators would be able to concentrate on countries and companies that don't have a reputation for meeting certification standards

"For many years we've relied on a strategy based on identifying unsafe products at the border," Bush said. "The problem is that the growing volume of products coming into our country makes this approach increasingly unreliable."

He said federal regulators now will focus on stopping dangerous products from reaching U.S. borders in the first place.

Bush's proposal drew some quick criticism.

Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., said the president's package "leaves consumers in the dark and continues the hodgepodge of federal oversight."

"Of course we need tougher penalties, more inspections, and better information sharing when it comes to the food and toys coming into our country," Schumer said. "However, the rubber won't meet the road until the administration does three key things: Provide the FDA and CPSC with more federal dollars so they can carry out their heavy mandates; give consumers quick and user-friendly access to comprehensive food and product safety information; and set and implement government-wide priorities for import and domestic food and product safety oversight."

Bush put an emphasis on the recommendation for an expanded enforcement role for the FDA.

"The FDA will be empowered to order a recall when a company refuses to recall their product voluntarily, or moves too slowly in removing an unsafe product from the market," he said. "With this authority, the FDA will be in a position to act quickly when the problem occurs."

Bush said the United States imported nearly $2 trillion of goods last year through more than 825,000 importers.

"And the vast majority of these imports are safe," Bush said. "Unfortunately, in recent months, Americans have seen imports from toys to toothpaste to pet food recalled because of safety concerns."

Bush said the Food and Drug Administration also was unveiling a food protection plan.

"This plan addresses both imported and domestically produced food and will strengthen the FDA's ability to coordinate with other federal agencies to protect our food supply," the president said.

"Identifying risks all along the food supply chain, this plan will help prevent the problems from arising, respond effectively if they do, and improve communication with industry and our public," Bush said.

The CPSC, which oversees the safety of consumer products, has come under fire in recent months amid a string of recalls involving lead in toys made in China. Consumer groups and members of Congress have criticized the agency and its head, Nancy Nord, for not acting more quickly to get the items off store shelves. Like the FDA, the CPSC works with industry to arrange voluntary recalls of hazardous products.