Facts on the Toronto International Film Festival, opening Thursday:

Number of films being screened: 312

Countries represented: 64

Directorial debuts: 61

Number of screens: 36

Minutes of film: 20,693

Longest film: 330 minutes ("A Time to Stir," U.S. documentary about protests at Columbia University in 1968)

Shortest films: three minutes ("Dig," "Flash in the Metropolitan," "Lossless #2" and "Trypps #5")

Number of movies starring John Malkovich: three ("Burn After Reading," "Disgrace," "Afterwards")

Number of movies starring Mark Ruffalo: three ("The Brothers Bloom," "Blindness," "What Doesn't Kill You")

Movies about people who dress like elves to play Dungeons & Dragons: one ("The Dungeon Masters")