BURLINGAME, Calif. - The ending of Microsoft's storied Xbox game "Halo" is hairier than a 1980s metal band. Imagine racing the tipsiest off-road vehicle you can imagine through crowds of writhing, heavily-armed zombies swarming over the burning hulk of a wrecked starship.

Pick your way past the leaping flames, hurl the vehicle over yawning metal chasms, get out and dash past a horde of enemies clawing at your flesh, leap into a spaceship, and fly away.

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Congratulations! After hours of action and dozens of grisly virtual deaths, you're ready to notch the Microsoft game up two difficulty levels, start all over and see if you can unlock the special, secret ending -- Cyberathlete Professional League founder Angel Munoz describes it as "incredible" -- all so you can boast about it to your friends. Welcome to the world of the hardcore.

To keep selling games, developers have two choices. The first strategy -- pursued with great success by Nintendo's family-friendly Wii -- is to offer games that appeal to the very young and the very old. In other words, easy stuff. The other option: Build games that are so hard that addicts will spend hours trying to beat the game on its most difficult levels.

Take "Ninja Gaiden." To rake in more dollars on the notoriously difficult game, the developer decided to release an even harder remix. It's difficulty became "the whole drive behind wanting to play the game," says Peer Schneider, senior vice president and publisher for IGN Entertainment at Fox Interactive Media.

It may sound masochistic. But once you've beaten a game like "Halo" on its "legendary" setting -- or skewered a string of cursing, highly caffeinated teenage opponents with a giant glowing sword in its Internet-enabled sequels -- Nintendo's virtual bowling game just won't scratch the itch.

To satisfy, even the toughest game has to reward the hours of effort put into it. Older games often failed at this challenge, frustrating players by piling on swarms of look-alike enemies. Early games such as "Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts" can be notorious for those kinds of problems.

The best games, however, reward players willing to stick with them. Grind through the whirling swords of the first hundred ninja assassins in "Ninja Gaiden" and you'll feel like a ninja yourself -- able to send your character bouncing off walls and slashing through the air with incredible displays of swordsmanship.

But just when you think you've got the game mastered, the designers throw a new set of challenges that will force you to move even more quickly -- or toss down your controller in disgust (many do). "It's not even a medium-tough game; it's just freakin' hard," says Francesca Reyes, editor in chief of Official Xbox Magazine.

And while games seem to grow easier as they appeal to larger and larger audiences, another new wrinkle -- the Internet -- provides a fix for those looking for a challenge. While game developers have learned to carefully balance their games to give players a fair shot at winning, no one is willing to cut you that kind of break online.

The best game developers, however, bring on the online pain one masochistic step at a time. Play "Halo 3" on Microsoft's Xbox Live service and you will be thrown into games with other newbies, at first. Don't get cocky, because once you win a few matches the competition gets harder; win a few more, and the level of competition quickly becomes insane. With tens of thousands of gamers, it's becomes harder and harder to win. And harder still to stop playing.