The government's throne speech will promise a one percentage point cut in the GST and legislation aimed at cracking down on violent crime, according to a leaked copy obtained by The Canadian Press.

The speech is scheduled to be delivered by Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean at 7 p.m. ET.

It will also include a promise to hold a Parliamentary vote on the Afghan mission, and will say that Canada is unable to meet its Kyoto commitments.

According to CP, the speech will outline plans for a new "Tackling Violent Crime" bill, that aims to crack down on impaired driving and set mandatory prison terms for gun crimes.

"I think we'll be moving forward on the areas that are consistent with what we've been doing in the past and also reflect what Canadians want," Government House Leader Peter Van Loan told CTV's Canada AM on Tuesday.

"A focus on a strong economy will be a big part of the speech, seeing Canada stand up for Canada's interest on the world stage and getting tough on crime, making our communities and streets safer, will be a critical part of the speech."

On Afghanistan, the speech will say Canada should remain in Afghanistan until at least 2011, well beyond the proposed February 2009 deadline. But the extension will be put to a vote during this coming Parliamentary session.

The speech will outline five priorities: strengthening Canada's sovereignty in the world, forging a stronger federation, providing economic leadership, tackling crime, and improving the environment.

On the first of those priorities, the speech promises to protect Canada's Arctic.

"Canadians see in our North an expression of our deepest aspirations, our sense of exploration, the beauty and the bounty of our land, and our limitless potential," Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean is expected to read.

Liberal Leader Stephane Dion has suggested his party will only vote down the speech if it leans too far to the right. He told his caucus Tuesday that he wants to hear the view of his members before making a choice.

"This is an unprecedented situation. Usually in a minority government, the opposition is trying to bring the government down, but here it's reversed," political analyst Tom Flanagan told CTV's Mike Duffy Live.

"I think for the first time in Canadian history, we have a government which wouldn't mind being defeated, but it can't seem to get the opposition to come out against it."

NDP Leader Jack Layton has said recently that his party cannot accept the government's stance on climate change and Afghanistan.

Bloc Quebecois Leader Gilles Duceppe has put forward five conditions for his party's support of the throne speech, one of which is a commitment to meet Canada's responsibilities under the Kyoto Protocol.

The following additional measures are expected to be included in the speech:

  • Tax cuts for individuals and businesses;
  • The government will limit its ability to spend tax dollars in the provinces;
  • Increased funding for cities and infrastructure;
  • More measures to help senior citizens; and,
  • No new national programs without provincial approval -- a direct appeal to Quebec.
  • The speech is also expected to appeal to urban and female voters, where his support has traditionally been weakest.

Liberal infighting

Meanwhile, Liberal MP Marcel Proulx confirmed today that he resigned this past weekend as Dion's right-hand-man in Quebec.

Sources told The Canadian Press that Proulx, who represents the Hull-Aylmer riding, quit after hearing that Dion had offered the post to Montreal MP Denis Coderre.

But Coderre has turned down the position, leaving Dion to find another replacement.

The Liberals will have a few days to decide whether to support the government's throne speech, or trigger an election.

Liberal MP Garth Turner told reporters that Dion is a consensus-builder and that more discussions will be held today and Wednesday with Liberal caucus members before a decision is made.

shows a fall election would likely result in another minority government.

With a report by CTV's Robert Fife in Ottawa