INDIANAPOLIS - USA Gymnastics is turning to a former federal prosecutor to spearhead an independent review of the way the organization deals with allegations of sexual misconduct.

Its president, Steve Penny, announced Thursday that Deborah Daniels will look into USA Gymnastics' bylaws, policies, procedures and practices related to sexual misconduct.

Daniels, who served as both a U.S. attorney and U.S. assistant attorney general before going into private practice, will meet with experts and organizations representing law enforcement, child welfare, the gymnastics community, state and local officials, and others before making a recommendation to the USA Gymnastics Board of Directors.

The review comes on the heels of a pair of civil lawsuits filed against USA Gymnastics and a former team doctor by a pair of gymnasts who claim the physician sexually abused them during their time on the U.S. national team. USA Gymnastics has denied wrongdoing.