PHILADELPHIA - The Philadelphia Flyers unveiled their new mascot Monday, and as one would expect of the team that gave us the "Broad Street Bullies," he's far from cuddly.

with a pot belly, a orange mountain-man beard and two huge, lidless googly eyes. Think Montreal Canadiens mascot "Youppi!" after a triple espresso and four cans of Red Bull, and you get the idea.

The intense, even frightening figure flies in the face of the NHL's more kid-friendly mascots, like Toronto's good-natured polar bear "Carlton" or Calgary's lovable "Harvey the Hound."

According to a release form the Flyers, "Gritty" was forced out of a hermit-like existence when construction at the Wells Fargo Centre disturbed his secret hideout.

His bio also describes him as "the ultimate Flyers fan" and "loyal but mischievous," with a penchant for eating snow left behind by the Zamboni ice-cleaning machine.

Social media reception to the Flyers' new mascot came swiftly, with the rival Pittsburgh Penguins simply tweeting "lol ok."