

A new year symbolizes a fresh start: 365 days of nothing but promise ahead of you. It also means you’ll likely make a resolution you won’t be able to keep past March. But all that can change for 2017. (InfoWire.dk / Flickr)

A new year symbolizes a fresh start: 365 days of nothing but promise ahead of you. It also means you’ll likely make a resolution you won’t be able to keep past March. But all that can change for 2017.

Genesis, a new luxury car brand, is set to make the purchase and ownership experience as convenient as buying something from Amazon, and as luxurious as the service from a five-star hotel. (Genesis)

Buying a new car has traditionally been a complicated and frustrating process. But Genesis, a new luxury car brand, is set to make the purchase and ownership experience as convenient as buying something from Amazon, and as luxurious as the service from a five-star hotel.

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