SEOUL, South Korea - Tens of thousands of mourners filled the lawn outside parliament for the state funeral Sunday of ex-President Kim Dae-jung, a longtime defender of democracy and advocate of reconciliation who won the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to reach out to communist North Korea.

The man who made history by holding a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Il in 2000 also managed to bring the two Koreas together with his death Tuesday at age 85.

A North Korean delegation dispatched to Seoul to mourn him held talks Sunday with South Korea's president, relaying a message from Kim Jong Il during the first high-level contact between the rival nations after many months of tension.

The two Koreas technically remain in a state of war because their three-year conflict ended in 1953 with a truce, not a peace treaty. Tanks and troops still guard the heavily fortified Demilitarized Zone bisecting the peninsula.

Kim Dae-jung, however, was respected on both sides of the border. As president from 1998 to 2003, his "Sunshine Policy" advocated engaging the isolated North and sought to ease reconciliation by plying the impoverished nation with aid.

In 2000, he travelled to Pyongyang to meet with Kim Jong Il -- the first summit between leaders of the two Koreas. Raising their hands aloft in a sight that would have been unimaginable just years earlier, the two Kims pledged to embark on a new era of peace on the Korean peninsula.

The following years saw a flowering of reconciliation projects, including the emotional temporary reunions of thousands of Korean family members separated during the Korean War, the restoration of a cross-border cargo train and inter-Korean business ventures.

Some criticized the flow of money to North Korea, which has evaded years of international pressure to dismantle its nuclear program.

Relations have been tense since conservative President Lee Myung-bak took office in February 2008, abandoning the Sunshine Policy and insisting that North Korea must prove its commitment to international nuclear disarmament pacts before it can expect aid.

Pyongyang, in response, ditched the reconciliation talks and most of the inter-Korean projects. The North also has been locked in an international standoff with the U.S. and other nations over its atomic ambitions after launching a rocket, test-firing missiles and conducting an underground nuclear test earlier this year.

However, there have been signs the tensions may be easing. After welcoming former President Bill Clinton during his mission to secure the release of two jailed American reporters, the North freed a South Korean citizen held for four months. It also said it would allow some joint projects to resume.

Kim Dae-jung's death prompted condolences from Kim Jong Il, who authorized a high-level delegation of six to pay their respects -- the first time the North has sent officials to mourn a former South Korean president.

Led by senior Workers' Party official Kim Ki Nam and spy chief Kim Yang Gon, the delegation went straight to the National Assembly mourning site Friday. Dressed in black, they left a wreath on behalf of Kim Jong Il, bowed before Kim's portrait and lighted incense, with red badges depicting Kim Il Sung, North Korea's late founder, pinned to their suits.

Extending their trip by a day, three North Korean officials met Sunday with Lee for a half hour, relaying Kim Jong Il's thoughts on "progress on inter-Korean co-operation," Seoul presidential spokesman Lee Dong-kwan said.

The South Korean president then detailed his government's "consistent and firm" policy on North Korea and reiterated the need for "sincere" dialogue between the two Koreas, the spokesman said, calling the talks "serious and amicable."

"Thank you! Thank you! We're returning in a positive mood," Kim Ki Nam told reporters as the delegation departed for their flight. North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency reported that the two sides discussed "developing the relations between the North and the South."

Though best known abroad for his efforts to reach out to North Korea, Kim Dae-jung was beloved at home for devoting his life to the fight for democracy during South Korea's early years of authoritarian rule.

"Farewell, Mr. Sunshine: Without you, we could have never known true democracy," read yellow placards held by mourners who gathered in central Seoul to watch a broadcast of his funeral.

A native of South Jeolla Province in the southwest, he went up against Seoul's military and political elite. He narrowly lost to Park Chung-hee in a 1971 presidential election -- a near-win that earned him Park's wrath. Weeks later, Kim was injured in a traffic accident he believed was an assassination attempt, and barely survived a Tokyo abduction engineered by South Korean intelligence.

In 1980, tens of thousands took to the streets in Kim's southern stronghold, Gwangju, to protest the junta that seized power when Park was assassinated in office. Kim, accused of fomenting the protests, was sentenced to death.

International calls for leniency resulted in a suspended prison sentence, and he went into exile. Returning in 1985, he helped usher in new era of democracy in South Korea.

"We love you, Mr. President Kim Dae-jung. We will not forget you," read one banner outside the National Assembly. "Democracy, peace, human rights: We will carry out your will, Mr. President," read another. Yellow ribbons and balloons lined the street leading to parliament.

Memorials nationwide for the man dubbed the "Nelson Mandela of Asia" for his lifelong struggle for democracy have drawn some 700,000 people, the government said.

His solemn funeral was the first held at the National Assembly, where Kim -- who endured torture, death threats and imprisonment during his decades as a dissident -- triumphantly took the oath of office as South Korea's president in 1998.

Prime Minister Han Seung-soo praised Kim as a passionate leader who dedicated his life to democracy, human rights, peace and reconciliation. He also recalled Kim's resilience.

"Today we are overwhelmed with heartbreaking grief and sorrow. The whole Korea is truly overcome with great sadness," Han said at the multifaith ceremony held under a blistering sun.

Kim's widow, Lee Hee-ho, bowed deeply before a portrait of her late husband. President Lee, former presidents and foreign leaders who were among the more than 20,000 who attended the funeral also paid their respects at the altar.

Another 14,000 mourners gathered outside City Hall, police said.

"It hurts me so much. I'm so distressed that we lost someone who devoted his entire life to peace, democracy and, ultimately, us," Lee Eun-ah, 35, said tearfully.

Kim was buried later Sunday at the national cemetery in Seoul, a blanket knit by his wife and a Bible tucked into his coffin.