SEASIDE HEIGHTS, N.J. - Summer is over, the TV cameras have left the boardwalk, and the fist-pumpers have packed up their hair gel and instant tan spray and returned home.

But Snooki still won't go away.

On Sunday morning, "Jersey Shore" star Nicole Polizzi will complete her court-ordered community service for disturbing others on the beach in July and will sign autographs to thank her fans for supporting her.

The pint-sized Polizzi will sign photos at the Seaside Heights Community Center for $10-$20, depending on whether buyers bring their own photos or buy one on site. The proceeds will go to Donations of Love, which benefits local animal shelters.

Polizzi has already completed some of her community service obligations by cleaning up after animals at the Popcorn Park Zoo, a facility for abandoned or abused animals in southern New Jersey.

"The autograph-signing is not technically part of her community service," said her lawyer, Raymond Raya. "It's just a thank you to her fans who have supported her throughout this whole process, and it raises money for a good cause."

He said Polizzi will complete the last five or six hours of her community service Sunday morning in "a nonpublic location." Raya would not say what type of work she might perform, but said it would not be outdoors where she might draw a large crowd.

John Camera, Seaside Heights' borough administrator, did not immediately return a call seeking comment on what Polizzi's remaining community service would entail.

Last month, a judge fined her $500 and ordered the community service because Polizzi had been drunk and disorderly on the beach.

At her sentencing, Municipal Court Judge Damian G. Murray lectured Polizzi by borrowing from Dean Wormer's speech to Flounder in the movie "Animal House" in which the dean admonished the wayward student that "fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life."

"Rude, profane, obnoxious and self-indulgent is not the way to live your life," the judge told Polizzi. "If this was your idea of a good time, it appears your recent celebrity has affected your judgment."

As part of a negotiated plea deal, Polizzi pleaded guilty to one count of interfering with the quiet enjoyment of the beach -- essentially disturbing the peace. Charges of disorderly conduct and criminal annoyance of others were dropped.