Are you ready for short shorts? It's time to get in shape for summer, but do you want to shed some pounds before shedding those winter layers?

If you are scared of shorts, fitness expert Libby Norris has some exercise to help fight fears of rising headlines with a new fitness regime.


Exercise # 1 - Narrow squat with front kick

What it looks like:

Place a chair to the right side of your body and hold onto it for balance.

With your feet parallel and hip width apart slowly squat down

Slowly come back up to a standing position

As you stand, kick to the front with your right foot.

(Note: for a front kick, first lift your knee to hip level then follow with your foot, lead with your heel)

Repeat on the left.

Do 10 on each side

Exercise # 2 - Wide squat with side kick

What it looks like:

Place a chair in front of you.

Hold on with both hands for balance.

With your feet parallel and shoulder width apart slowly squat down

Slowly come back up to a standing position.

As you stand, kick your right foot out to the side.

(Note: for a side kick, lift your knee to hip level first, then follow with your foot - keep your foot flexed)

Repeat on the left

Do 10 on each side

Exercise # 3 - Back Kick

Place a chair in front of you

Hold onto it with both hands for balance

Lift your heel up behind you, bending at the knee

Kick back with your foot - leading with the heel.


Exercise #1 - Squat Lift

Start holding the ball in front of you at hip or knee level

Squat down (still holding the ball in front of you)

As you stand up, lift the ball over your head

Repeat 15 x's

Exercise # 2 - Full Body Reach

Start in a narrow squat position using ball to balance at the right side

Reach your left arm forward and left leg back

Repeat 15 x's

Switch sides