The Y chromosome in human men is shrinking so quickly, it could disappear altogether – though that will likely take some 4.5 million years. But the good news is that human genetics could find a solution around the problem.

The Y chromosome is the sex-determining chromosome in humans and many other animal species. It carries the “master switch†gene, SRY, that determines whether an embryo will develop as female, with two X chromosomes, or male, with one X and one Y chromosome.

Darren Griffin, a professor of genetics at the University of Kent, explains there was once was a time when a man’s X chromosome was the same length as his Y, but that’s been changing over the last 200 million years or so.

Women’s X chromosomes haven’t changed much in the last 200 million years or so, men’s Y chromosome has been shrinking, and losing dozens of the genes it once shared with women.

So do all these changes mean that men are endangered?

“That’s a question I get asked an awful lot, and the answer is absolutely not,†Griffin told CTV’s Your Morning Wednesday. “… Males are not going away.â€

Griffin said it’s possible that the SRY gene could simply move its sex-determining mechanism to a different chromosome. That’s what has happened with Japanese spiny rats and mole voles, who lost their Y chromosomes entirely, says Griffin.

But, even if that happens to humans, it likely won’t be for several million more years.

“We’re not awfully worried. I think we’ve got an awful lot of things to be worried about in the meantime,†he said.