With all of the buzz being created by wearable technology, one company has decided to try to take all of the data and numbers surrounding the market and make sense of them, including compiling a list of every single device currently on sale that can be described as a wearable tech device.

The work is ongoing, but so far, Vandrico Inc, a Canadian research firm specializing in verifying technology, has of 115 individual gizmos or gadgets.

At this early stage of what many are predicting with be a tech revolution, the average price of a device is $431 and the early market is being driven by health and well-being.

Just under 70 percent of all wearable tech products (80 devices) on sale or in the advanced prototype stage (such as Google Glass) can be categorized as ‘Lifestyle,' while ‘Fitness' accounts for 51 devices and ‘Medical' 25, though Vandrico is quick to point out that some gadgets can easily overlap categories.

In its initial findings, it's also worth noting that although many believe that commercial and industrial use will be where devices such as smartglasses are expected to carve their first niche, only one device currently on sale falls into that category -- the Eyetap HDR Cybernetic Welding Helmet.

As well as category, the devices are broken down by body part. For example, there are already 35 devices in the database worn on the face and six worn on the legs; there are even four devices for the fingers and, unsurprisingly, 56 that attach to the wrist. Each listed device is displayed with information about its use and price and, where available, a list of similar or alternative devices.

Vandrico claims that based on compiling the database, the ideal device is wearable all of the time -- i.e., it doesn't have to be carried, offers the wearer full control, and "must augment knowledge, facilitate learning or enhance experience."

The company says that it built the database -- to which anyone can potentially submit new devices -- "to provide anyone interested in wearable devices with a great tool for identifying the best technology that will match their lifestyle, health or business goals."

But part of the reason for doing that is because Vandrico believes that wearable technology is going to have a huge positive impact on consumers' lives and it wants to play an active role in demystifying the sector.