Google has made it easier for users to delete their search history.

Good news for anyone who wants easy access to their Google search activity data; it is now possible to delete all recent search activity in just two clicks.

For the moment, this solution only works in the web version of the search engine on desktop or mobile. It will roll out soon to the Google app for both Android and iOS.

When using the search engine, signed into your Google account, a message reading "Control your data in Google Search" now appears automatically. Simply click on this link for fast access to recent search activity and, above all, to delete search activity (activity data, terms searched, links followed) in full or for the last hour. In both cases, data is deleted locally, on the user's device, as well as on Google's servers.

Moreover, the same page offers fast access to an on/off option for saving web and app activity across Google sites and services.

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