PARIS - Lenny Kravitz has a powerful new fan.

French President Nicolas Sarkozy was so impressed by the new Kravitz album, "It is Time for a Love Revolution,'' that he sent the American rock star a "really nice'' letter about it, Kravitz said in an interview with the daily Le Parisien.

Sarkozy's office confirmed Wednesday that he had sent a letter -- to thank Kravitz for sending the French president the CD.

"Speedy Sarko,'' as he is nicknamed in the French media, took time out of his busy schedule leading his nuclear-armed nation to muse over the album's highlights in the letter, Kravitz said.

"He said he listened to my new disc, and really liked it,'' Kravitz was quoted as saying in the interview, published Wednesday. "He even cited his favourite songs.''

Sarkozy shares his musical taste with a large Kravitz following in France, where listeners were introduced to the 43-year-old when he first toured through Europe in 1989. Kravitz is performing this summer in France.

Kravitz acknowledged that he barely kept up with French news -- except for the glamorous romance between Sarkozy and his new wife, pop singer and former model Carla Bruni-Sarkozy.

Before becoming first lady, Bruni-Sarkozy dated rockers Mick Jagger and Eric Clapton, among other celebrities.