The office of Canada's privacy commissioner likes what it's hearing from Google about ensuring its new Street View imaging service doesn't infringe on privacy laws.

Earlier this month, privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart raised concerns with Google and Calgary-based Immersive Media that the Street View service unveiled in the United States could breach Canada's Privacy Act.

Commission spokesman Colin McKay says the two companies have yet to respond formally to a request for information.

But Peter Fleischer, Google's global privacy counsel, has told the Globe and Mail the search-engine firm is looking into ways to appease Canada's concerns, including blurring or lowering the resolution of some images to prevent identification of individuals.

McKay says the commissioner wants to see exactly what Google has in mind for fixing the problem before Street View is launched in Canada.

But, from what he's heard from Fleischer, McKay says it appears Google is headed in the right direction.