Prince William and his fiancee Kate Middleton were in Belfast in Northern Ireland on Tuesday on their first official visit to the city.

A photo released on Twitter by Clarence House showed the couple meeting with local dignitaries Tuesday morning after their arrival.

William wore a navy suit with a burgundy tie, while Kate wore a double-breasted, light coloured belted trench coat.

A small but enthusiastic crowd reportedly gathered in the centre of the city to meet the soon-to-be married couple.

CTV's royal correspondent Victoria Arbiter said the trip was kept secret right up until the couple arrived in Belfast.

"Nobody except the very important security people knew that they were coming, so much so that when they arrived at city hall to meet the lord mayor of Belfast there were very few members of the public in attendance," Arbiter told CTV's Canada AM.

"However by the time they came out of city hall word had definitely spread and there was a big crowd ready to greet William and Kate."

The couple took turns flipping pancakes -- a Shrove Tuesday tradition -- outside of Belfast's austere city hall, while police kept a careful watch from nearby rooftops.

William and Kate planned to walk around and greet the crowds later in the day.

In recent weeks, the couple has also travelled to Wales and to their alma mater, the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

Though Wales and Scotland are both familiar territory for the couple, William had never been to Belfast in an official capacity, and Kate had never visited the city, Arbiter said.

Despite the unfamiliar territory, she said Kate seemed right at home, laughing and interacting with people in the crowd.

"It just goes to show that Kate can rise to the occasion no matter what is expected of her," Arbiter said.

William and Kate have announced that their first trip as a married couple will be to Canada.

Their wedding is scheduled for April 29 at Westminster Abbey, in London.