SHIMA, Japan - Justin Trudeau's point person to the Group of Seven says Canada is promoting deficit-fuelled economic growth with the other leaders at this week's summit in Japan.

But Peter Boehm says each G7 country has its own system and its own unique set of circumstances to navigate.

Trudeau told a working session at the summit Thursday that it's not a question of whether to make investments - but what to invest in.

Boehm says G7 meetings are different than other forums in the sense that leaders can have frank discussions with one another.

He says this year's meeting is Trudeau's first chance to tell G7 colleagues directly about Canada's approach of boosting government spending to lift its economy.

Trudeau also spoke with German Chancellor Angela Merkel during a bilateral meeting about the Canada-European Union trade deal, the migration crisis and security issues in the Middle East and Ukraine.

Trudeau also met French President Francois Hollande for bilateral talks.