Former prime minister Joe Clark says the suspension of three senators over alleged ā€œgross negligenceā€ regarding their expense claims was ā€œdangerousā€ because all the facts arenā€™t in.

In an interview with CTVā€™s Power Play to promote his new book, ā€œHow We Lead: Canada in a Century of Change,ā€ Clark said he ā€œunderstands the impulsesā€ behind the move to suspend Senators Mike Duffy, Pamela Wallin and Patrick Brazeau without pay or access to Senate resources for the remainder of the Parliamentary session.

But, he said, ā€œIā€™m concerned that it was action before the evidence was in, and I think thatā€™s always dangerous.ā€

Clark warned that the move carries a risk of setting a precedent.

ā€œNot a precedent about bad behaviour but a precedent about independent behaviour,ā€ Clark said.

ā€œOur Senate after all was supposed to provide an independent point of view and at its best it has. So Iā€™m worried about that. And of course the other aspect of this, as others have been saying, is thereā€™s an awful lot of information that should be in the public domain thatā€™s not in the public domain about who knew what and when in the Prime Ministerā€™s Office.ā€

Clark did not reserve his criticism for the federal governmentā€™s move to suspend the three senators. He also questioned foreign policy decisions, the main thrust of his new book, saying ā€œitā€™s time to restore some balanceā€ to the file.

He said there is a role for Canada to play in areas such as mediation and conflict resolution, ā€œthe so-called soft power things at which we used to be one of the worldā€™s great leaders and the Harper government shows very little interest in.ā€

Clark said the decision to boycott the upcoming Commonwealth meeting in Sri Lanka over that countryā€™s human rights record and the severing of diplomatic ties with Iran are two examples of decisions that limit Canadaā€™s ability to play a constructive role in world affairs.

ā€œThe need for a trusted country that can mediate others, that can find agreement, is greater than it even was back in the post-war period,ā€ Clark said. ā€œSo itā€™s a funny field for us to be abandoning, and other countries are going to be picking up and filling the space that weā€™re leaving vacant.ā€

He praised Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird for taking ā€œsome vigorous standsā€ on issues, including the ongoing violence in Syria.

However, he said, ā€œthe issue here really is, is it enough simply to have a principle and to state it, or do you have to go into unpleasant circumstances and fight for that principle? Thatā€™s what theyā€™re really not doing.ā€

In particular, Clark said, Canada needs to engage more with parties in the Middle East, particularly Iran, which will play ā€œa major roleā€ in both world and regional events ā€œfor a long time to come.

ā€œWeā€™re far better off on the ground knowing what theyā€™re doing, learning what theyā€™re doing, listening to anything they might say in confidence that they wouldnā€™t say in public than we are being out of the play,ā€ he said.