OTTAWA -- More than 1,500 rank-and-file New Democrats will gather this weekend in Edmonton for the party's federal policy convention, where they will review party policies and map out the road ahead.

Here are just 10 of the hundreds of resolutions that are expected to be part of the discussion this weekend:

1. Railway safety

A resolution by Quebec members calls on the NDP to demand that Transport Canada be required to inform municipalities of the transit of hazardous materials through their area following the deadly derailment in Lac Megantic in 2013.

2. Proportional representation

The riding association in Ottawa-Vanier wants the party to make electoral reform a top priority during the current Parliament and to work constructively with other parties to develop proposals.

3. Carding

The NDP riding association from Scarborough Southwest wants the party to stand up for human rights and Canadian freedoms by calling for "an immediate end to the practice of carding" -- police officers stopping individuals and asking for identification on a seemingly arbitrary basis, a process critics liken to racial profiling. The resolution says the practice has "needlessly documented thousands of innocent people, damaged reputations and made people of colour in communities like Toronto feel like criminals."

4. Leap manifesto

A resolution from the riding of Toronto-Danforth calls for the NDP to debate the so-called Leap manifesto in riding associations across the country. The policy blueprint, unveiled during the election campaign, calls for dramatic changes, including weaning Canada off fossil fuels. The resolution also notes the manifesto has already been endorsed by tens of thousands of Canadians and proposes a model of "climate justice."

5. Corporate tax rate review

One resolution calls for the NDP to call for corporate tax rates to be increased to ensure corporations "pay their fair share" to finance social programs.

6. Bill C-51

A resolution from the B.C. riding association of New Westminster-Burnaby calls for security legislation introduced by the former Conservative government to be repealed in its entirety.

7. Employment insurance

A resolution from Quebec's Richmond-Arthabaska riding calls for the NDP to commit to amending the Employment Insurance Act to ensure recipients receive at least 60 per cent of their insurable salary and that seasonal workers receive "a sufficient number of weeks to be able to draw employment insurance benefits until they start working again."

8. Climate change

A resolution from Quebec calls for the NDP to take steps so the government strengthens climate change regulations and means of enforcement to "significantly improve current exploitation and refining conditions."

9. Minimum wage

A resolution from Toronto's Spadina-Fort York riding association and the United Steelworkers union says the NDP needs to continue to advocate for reinstating a federal minimum wage and increasing it to $15 an hour.

10. Canada Post

A Quebec riding association says Canada Post and the Conservatives decided to "devastate" mail services by ending home mail delivery and cutting service. It calls for the NDP to support the "retention of the public nature of our postal services and strongly oppose their privatization."