Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer says he will release new information related to the SNC-Lavalin affair on Sunday.

In a Saturday afternoon press release, Scheer said he will present new documents related to the scandal that has plagued Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government.

Scheer’s team did not specify what type of information is in the documents or how many pages will be released. The announcement is scheduled for 2 p.m. in Ottawa.

The news comes on the heels of developments in the affair earlier this week. On Tuesday, Trudeau removed Jody Wilson-Raybould and Jane Philpott from the federal Liberal caucus, citing “the will of caucus.â€

The two once-prominent cabinet ministers now sit in the House of Commons as Independents.

“Whether it’s taping conversations without consent or repeatedly expressing a lack of confidence in our government and in me personally as leader, it’s become clear that Ms. Wilson-Raybould and Dr. Philpott can no longer be part of our Liberal team,†Trudeau said Tuesday.

Philpott and Wilson-Raybould both expressed disappointment over the ouster. Wilson-Raybould said Thursday that the blowback from the affair could have been entirely avoided had Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologized for what she says was political interference in a prosecution.

A recent Nanos Research survey found that Canadians are evenly divided on whether the SNC-Lavalin affair constitutes primarily a legal or political issue.