The Conservative Party's use of the phrase "barbaric cultural practices" Friday quickly met with scorn by some on Twitter, who mocked a proposed tip line to report such practices in Canada.

Chris Alexander, the Conservative immigration minister, first spoke about to discuss a proposed program to prevent child- and forced-marriages.

Conservative candidate Kellie Leitch then spoke about a possible RCMP tip line for citizens to report "barbaric cultural practices in Canada."

And Jason Kenney, the Conservatives' current defence minister, used similar language the same morning in speaking about the face-covering niqab. "This practice of face covering reflects a misogynistic view of women which is grounded in medieval tribal culture," he said.

Spurred by all this talk of barbarians and medieval culture, Twitter exploded with so-called "reports" under the hashtag #BarbaricCulturalPractices.

While many were humourous and filled with Conan references, other tweets were not so light-hearted.