From the nationalization of Tim Hortons to the legalization of marijuana, some of Canada’s fringe political parties have very specific platforms.

Here’s a look at the 15 fringe parties registered with Elections Canada, including the number of candidates they have at time of publication.

Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada

Leader: Liz White

Candidates: 7

Registered: 2005

The Animal Alliance Environment Voters Party of Canada self-identifies as “North America’s first environmental and animal protection” political party. It aims to give environment and animal protection issues political relevance, and to hold federal politicians accountable for related policies. The party’s platform focuses on a few specific efforts such as the fight against wildlife culling, the treatment of farm animals raised for food, and a ban on the seal hunt.

Canadian Action Party

Leader: Jeremy Arney 

Candidates: 1; plans to field 10 to 20 candidates

Registered: 1997

The Canadian Action Party prides itself on its opposition to “corporate rule” that promotes the “colonization of the world’s smaller powers.” It argues that Canada’s role in said corporate rule represents its “absorption” into the U.S., and says Canada should maintain its political and economic sovereignty. The party’s five pillars focus on monetary reform, parliamentary reform, sovereignty, civil rights and the environment.

Christian Heritage Party of Canada

Leader: Rod Taylor

Candidates: 24

Registered: 2004

The Christian Heritage Party of Canada claims to be the only pro-life party, and “the only federal party that endorses the Judeo-Christian principles enshrined in the Canadian Constitution.” It also calls for the strengthening of the family and protection of Canadians from immigrants “who do not value our democratic values and who may pose a threat to Canada’s national security.” The party has a full platform with policy proposals relating to the economy, justice, the environment, resource management and healthcare.

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Communist Party of Canada

Leader: Miguel Figueroa

Candidates: 0; plans to field 28 candidates

Registered: 2000

The Communist Party of Canada is driven by Marxist and Leninist values. Although it officially registered with Elections Canada in 2000, the party says it was founded in 1921. The party represents the “working class” in its platform, calling for policies such as a massive housing program, protected labour rights and the nationalization of energy, natural resources and banks. It also works closely with communist and workers’ parties of other countries.

Democratic Advancement Party of Canada

Leader: Stephen Garvey

Candidates: 4

Registered: 2015

The Democratic Advancement Party of Canada (DAPC) believes that the authority over political affairs rests with the people, not the government or elected officials. It thinks voters should have substantive political say both during and between elections -- something the DAPC calls a “people-based democracy.” The party registered with Elections Canada this year and is an offshoot organization of the Foundation for Democratic Advancement, which focuses on government accountability in Canada and abroad.

Strength in Democracy

Leader: Jean-Francois Fortin

Candidates: 9

Registered: 2015

The Strength in Democracy party, known in Quebec as Forces et Démocratie, believes that Quebec’s voice in Parliament have been weakened. The party believes that regional concerns do not carry the same weight as the “political and partisan consideration of major parties.” This attitude, the party argues, has resulted in cuts to regional infrastructure, services and programs. The party aims to defend the interests of Quebec’s regions and facilitate a relationship between those regions and the feds.  It is led by Jean-Francois Fortin, who was elected as a Bloc MP in 2011 and left the party in 2014.

Libertarian Party of Canada

Leader: Timothy Moen

Candidates: 84

Registered: 2004

The Libertarian Party’s goal is to reduce the responsibilities and expense of the government so that Canadians can manage their own needs. The party stands for free market economic policies, including a gradual phase out of government control over the money supply. It believes that governmental regulatory agencies “often do far more harm than good.”  The party also has a full platform with policies on health care, justice, immigration, foreign policy, gun ownership, aboriginal affairs and the environment.

Marijuana Party

Leader: Blair Longley

Candidates: 15

Registered: 2000

The Marijuana Party’s policy is clearly and simply stated on its website: “Legalize marijuana. Legalize revolution.” And that’s all; it’s a one-issue party.

Marijuana Party logo

Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada

Leader: Anna Di Carlo

Candidates: 6

Registered: 1993

The Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada(MLPC) believes that all aspects of political, economic and social life in Canada are in need of renewal, as the political process has reduced people to “voting cattle.” It argues that all people have claims on society by virtue of being human, as well as gender equality and freedom of conscience and lifestyle. The party’s platform calls for an increase of funding to social programs, a new constitution and an overhaul of international relations, including Canada’s withdrawal from NORAD and NATO.

The Marxist-Leninist Party works closely with the Communist Party of Canada in its efforts to “democratize the political process.” The MLPC was founded in 1971, and the Communist Party in 1921.

Marxist-Leninist Party of Canada logo

Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency

Leader: Michael Nicula

Candidates: 0; will confirm in coming weeks

Registered: 2012

The Party for Accountability, Competency and Transparency (PACT), formerly known as the Online Party of Canada, was founded on the principles of e-democracy, a process by which members vote on specific issues via the party’s website. PACT candidates must then support the majority position on every issue, regardless of their personal opinion. PACT is unlike the other parties in that it encourages members of other federal political parties to become members and vote on issues. In this sense, the party thinks of itself as a “virtual House of Commons.”

PACT logo

Pirate Party of Canada

Leader: Roderick Lim

Candidates: 5

Registered: 2010

The Pirate Party of Canada wants to reform Canada’s information laws, so that they empower every Canadian equally. On its website, the party acknowledges that it uses its “funny name” to get attention to spread its cause. The Pirate Party is often referred to as the Internet Party, as its platform focuses on issues such as open government, the protection of privacy and patent reform.

Pirate Party logo

Progressive Canadian Party

Leader: Sinclair Stevens

Candidates: At least 25

Registered: 2004

The Progressive Canadian Party believes that riding associations and MPs should work in the best interest of the country, rather than the sole interest of the party. It stands forstrong and effective government that is also “limited from the exercise of absolute power” by other institutions like provinces and municipalities. The party also has a number of other principles including the belief that a national party should pull a country together, not divide it, and serve the country as a whole, rather than certain categories of people.

Rhinoceros Party

Leader: Sebastien Corriveau

Candidates: 12

Registered: 2007

The Rhinoceros Party is Canada’s most famous satirical political party, known for proposing odd platforms over the years. Just last week, the party announced its major policy plank for 2015 -- . According to its website, other campaign promises include “Loto Senate” – a game where all Canadians are eligible to win a seat in the Senate, repealing the law of gravity and allowing children to vote.

Rhinoceros Party logo

The Bridge Party of Canada

Leader: David Berlin

Candidates: Unclear

Registered: 2015

The Bridge Party of Canada is led by David Berlin, the founding editor of The Walrus magazine. The goal of the party is to increase the level of participation in Canada’s democracy and tackle apathy. The young political party supports increased transparency, a minimum threshold for voter turnout to “help curb manipulation by parties,” and national referendums on major decisions involving the safety and security of Canadians, such as involvement in war.

The Bridge Party logo

United Party of Canada

Leader: Robert Kesic

Candidates: 0; plans to field 5 to 10 candidates

Registered: 2010

The United Party of Canada believes that today’s political environment caters towards the “vocal minorities” and “political elite.” It wants to change that culture to represent Canadians no matter who they are or what situation they are in. The party has a full platform, including a pledge to cut income tax for people on low and middle incomes by raising the threshold at which people start paying tax, stop Canada from relying on fossil fuels and instead opt for greener options, and open government with stronger freedom of information legislation.