The federal Liberals scored four points higher than the Conservatives on the most recent wave of the Nanos Party Power Index.

The Grits registered 57 points out of 100 while the Tories were at 53 points, the NDP at 49 points, the Green Party at 31 points and the BQ at 27 points (Quebec only) respectively. After shifts over the past two months, the week over week index has been relatively steady.

The Nanos Party Power Index methodology comprises a basket of political goods that includes ballot preferences, accessible voters, preferred PM views and evaluations of the leaders. It is modelled similar to a standard confidence index.

Of note, Conservative Leader Stephen Harper has hit his highest weekly score on the preferred Prime Minister measure since August 2013 when Nanos began its weekly tracking.

On the preferred Prime Minister front, Harper was at 33.3 percentage points, followed by Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau at 30.7 per cent, NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair at 18.6 per cent, Green Leader Elizabeth May at 3.3 per cent and 13.2 per cent of Canadians were unsure.
