Every week of the year Nanos tracks the national political pulse and is in the field for the Nanos Party Power Index consistently applying the same tracking questions. The federal Liberals scored four points higher than the Conservatives on the Nanos Party Power Index. The Liberals registered 57 points out of a possible 100, followed by the Conservatives with 53 points, the NDP with 49 points, the Green Party with 31 points and the BQ with 25 points respectively.

The Nanos Party Power Index methodology is comprised of a basket of political goods that includes ballot preferences, accessible voters, preferred PM views and evaluations of the leaders. It is modeled similar to a standard confidence index. It is a random telephone survey conducted with live agents, reaching out to Canadians through a land- and cell-line dual frame sample.

Thirty two per cent of Canadians prefer Harper as Prime Minister while 31 per cent prefer Trudeau, 17 per cent prefer Mulcair, three per cent prefer May and 15 per cent were unsure.

When one gauges the pool of accessible voters for each of the parties through a series of independent questions, 54 per cent would consider voting for the federal Liberals, 45 per cent would consider voting for the NDP, 44 per cent would consider voting for the Conservatives and 29 per cent would consider voting for the Green Party.
