As we enter the Fall sitting of the House of Commons, the Liberals continue to trend up largely on strengthening scores among the voters under 30 as well as those between the ages of 40 and 49.

The Liberals stand at 59 points out of 100 (a new 12-month high), followed by the NDP at 49 points, the Conservatives at 48 points, the Green Party at 30 points and the BQ at 25 points (QC only). Much of the recent gains for the Liberals have been in Ontario, BC and among Canadians under 30 years of age.

Liberal accessible voters are now at 60 per cent (a new 12-month high). Forty-six per cent of Canadians would consider voting NDP, 40 per cent would consider voting for the Conservatives while 27 per cent of Canadians would consider voting for the Green Party.

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau continues to enjoy an advantage over Harper on the preferred Prime Minister front. Thirty-four per cent of Canadians indicated Trudeau was their preferred choice for PM followed by Prime Minister Stephen Harper at 28 per cent, the NDP's Tom Mulcair at 18 per cent, and the Greens' Elizabeth May at five per cent.
