The Canadian government has officially added the Islamic State, or ISIS, to its list of terrorist entities under the Criminal Code.

Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney announced the Islamic State’s new status as a recognized terrorist organization in a statement Wednesday.

“The barbaric actions of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria have resulted in the deaths and displacement of innocent civilians across the region and causing a global security concern,” Blaney said. “The full force of Canadian law will be applied to any Canadian who supports or engages in activities with this group.”

According to the statement, the group was “already listed” as a terrorist group in August 2012, under the name al Qaeda in Iraq. It is now listed as the , with a long list of alternate names included alongside it.

The Islamic State starting drawing global attention in June, when it seized large portions of territory in Iraq and Syria, including the wealthy Iraqi city of Mosul. Driven by the goal to establish an Islamic state based on Sharia law, ISIS is made up of Sunni militants once linked to al Qaeda, as well as recruits brought in from other countries around the world. The group has become known for its brutal treatment of non-Sunni Muslims.

According to the government, more than 130 Canadians are suspected of having left the country to join the Islamic State overseas. Another 80 individuals have returned to Canada after receiving terrorist training abroad, and are now under surveillance by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service.

The Islamic State has repeatedly named the United States and other Western nations among its enemies, and has recruited a number of radicalized young Westerners to its cause.

ISIS has also claimed responsibility for the beheadings of U.S. and U.K. citizens. An Algerian extremist group linked to ISIS said it beheaded a French national on Wednesday.

The Islamic State has said it will launch attacks against the United States and any countries that join the U.S.-led coalition in the Middle East.

Earlier this week, the Islamic State named Canada as the one of the countries it intends to target with terrorist attacks.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Wednesday that the United States has asked for more help in the fight against the Islamic State. “The government of Canada will make a decision on that very shortly,” Harper told Wall Street Journal editor-in-chief Gerard Baker at a press event in New York City. “We have to have some additional debate within our government.”

Meanwhile, U.S. President Barack Obama called for global action against ISIS Wednesday at the United Nations in New York City.

“If there is ever a threat that cannot be met by one nation alone, it is this,” he said.

An audio recording released Monday by the Islamic State implores supporters to kill Canadians, Americans and Europeans whenever they have a chance.

“If you can kill a disbelieving American or European – especially the spiteful and filthy French – or an Australian or a Canadian, or any other disbeliever from the disbelievers waging war, including the citizens of the countries that entered into a coalition against the Islamic State… kill him in any manner or way, however it may be,” the translation reads.

The Islamic State has alternately been called ISIS and ISIL, and has been through a number of name changes since it was founded in the 1990s. The group has more alternate names than any other organization on Canada’s list of terrorist entities.