A man injured in the same firefight in which Omar Khadr is alleged to have killed an American special forces soldier says he believes Canada owes the former Guantanamo Bay inmate nothing.

Layne Morris was blinded in one eye on July 27, 2002 in Afghanistan. He said in a new interview that he doesnā€™t spend much time thinking about Khadr, but was upset to learn of Fridayā€™s federal government apology to Khadr and the reported $10.5 million he was paid.

ā€œHe shouldnā€™t be getting a dime,ā€ said Morris. ā€œHe should feel grateful that heā€™s walking the streets in the first place and ought to feel privileged to be able ā€¦ to be a productive and contributing member of society.ā€

Morris and Tabitha Speer, the widow of Sgt. Chris Speer, who was alleged to have been killed by Khadr, filed a lawsuit to try and stop any money from reaching Khadrā€™s hands. Two years ago, Speer and Morris won a US-$134.1 million judgment against Khadr.

On Friday, as the apology was announced, Liberal Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould said that because Khadrā€™s ā€œcharter rights were violated ā€¦ the government of Canada was required to provide a remedy."

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer, meanwhile, called the settlement "disgustingā€ and said Khadr's return to Canada should have been remedy enough.

Morris said he doesnā€™t believe Khadr deserves an apology from anyone, including the U.S. government, and instead should be thanking the U.S. for saving his life.

ā€œHis family owes humanity an apology, to be very blunt,ā€ said Morris. ā€œNot the other way around. Canada owes this man nothing.ā€

Khadr claims U.S. forces captured him when he was badly wounded and lying in rubble.

Morris said he doesnā€™t know what kind of person Khadr is now, but he knows what kind of person he was before.

ā€œThat was a hardened and determined and disciplined terrorist,ā€ said Morris. ā€œThat was my first impression and Iā€™ve seen nothing to change my mind on that.ā€

In an interview with The Canadian Press Friday, Khadr said that he wants to continue his schooling in nursing and be a productive citizen out of the public eye.

Morris said heā€™s skeptical that Khadr is changing his life, because he hasnā€™t seen any proof.

ā€œIā€™ve never heard anything that says heā€™s doing anything other than continuing to rely on other peopleā€™s willingness to help him out,ā€ said Morris.

He also disputes the notion that Khadr was a child soldier, saying the meaning has been twisted.

ā€œThis is a privileged young man who has grown up around the world and speaks three or four different languages,ā€ Morris said. ā€œThatā€™s not a child soldier, thatā€™s just a bad kid.ā€

In a statement issued after the apology, Khadr's lawyer, Dennis Edney said his client ā€œwas abandoned in a hellish place called Guantanamo Bay, for 10 years, a place internationally condemned as a torture chamber.ā€