As Members of Parliament debate a motion to extend and expand Canada’s mission against ISIS in Iraq and Syria, the NDP has proposed amendments.

Here is the full text, as put forward in the House of Commons Thursday by NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar.

That Government Business No. 17 be amended:

(a)          by replacing clause (iii) with the following: "(iii) unless confronted with strong and direct force from capable and enabled local forces, the threat ISIL poses to international peace and security, including to Canadian communities, will continue to grow,";

(b)          by replacing clause (vii) with the following: "(vii) the United Nations Security Council remains seized of the threat posed by international terrorism with the unanimous passage of United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2170, 2178, and 2199,"

(c)           by deleting clauses (viii), (ix) and (x); and

(d)          by replacing all the words after the word "Accordingly," with "this House calls on the Government to:

a.            end the participation of Canadian Forces troops in combat, airstrikes and advise-and-assist training in Iraq and Syria as soon as possible;

b.            boost humanitarian aid in areas where there would be immediate, life-saving impact, including assisting refugees with basic shelter and food needs; and investing in water, sanitation and hygiene, health and education for people displaced by the fighting;

c.             work with our allies in the region to stabilize neighbouring countries, strengthen political institutions and assist these countries in coping with an influx of refugees;

d.            contribute to the fight against ISIL, including military support for the transportation of weapons;

e.            provide assistance to investigation and prosecution of war crimes;

f.             increase assistance for the care and resettlement of refugees impacted by this conflict;

g.            work to prevent the flow of foreign fighters, finances, and resources to ISIL, in accordance with our international obligations under United Nations Security Council Resolutions 2170, 2178, and 2199;

h.            put forward a robust plan of support for communities and institutions working on de-radicalization and counter-radicalization;

i.              report back on the costs of the mission and humanitarian assistance provided to date on a monthly basis to the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, until Canadian involvement is concluded; and

j.             continue to offer its resolute and wholehearted support to the brave men and women of the Canadian Forces who stand on guard for all of us."