A former Conservative MP from British Columbia says he is thinking of changing his vote.

Randy White told CTVā€™s Richard Madan outside an NDP rally in Parksville, B.C., that heā€™s ā€œnot happy with whatā€™s going on in Ottawa.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s a lot of problems there. The Senateā€™s not even the biggest one, but itā€™s serious,ā€ White said.

ā€œThe economy isnā€™t what the government is saying it is; itā€™s not good,ā€ he added.

White said ā€œa lot of people are looking for change and Iā€™m thinking about change myself.ā€

White served as MP for the Abbotsford area under the Reform, Canadian Alliance and Conservative party banners between 1993 to 2006.

Some of Whiteā€™s past political positions would appear to be at odds with the NDP.

For example, White has served on the board of the Drug Prevention Network of Canada, which opposes the Insite safe injection site for drug addicts -- a project NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has lauded.

And White was one of the most ardent opponents of same-sex marriage before it was made legal in 2005.

In fact, White may be most famous for his comments during the 2004 election, when he said that Stephen Harperā€™s Conservatives would use the Charter of Rights and Freedomā€™s ā€œnotwithstanding clauseā€ to prevent same-sex marriage, adding ā€œto heck with the courts.ā€

Politics professor Tom Flanagan wrote in his book ā€œHarperā€™s Teamā€ that Whiteā€™s comments were highly damaging and a ā€œreal turning point in the campaign,ā€ which ended with the Liberals winning a minority government.

The NDP is currently polling ahead of the Conservatives in B.C., where the Tories won 21 of the provinceā€™s 36 seats during the 2011 election, compared to 12 for the New Democrats.