NDP Leader Thomas Mulcair has revealed that he prefers coffee from Starbucks over Tim Hortons.

The revelation came during a light-hearted round of "This or That" on CTV's Canada AM on Tuesday. Mulcair was in CTV's Toronto studio for a lengthy interview, during which he answered questions from the live studio audience.

Afterwards, the NDP leader was presented with sets of similar options and asked to choose either "this or that."

When he was asked to choose between Starbucks or Tim Hortons, Mulcair opted for Starbucks.

"Starbucks, for the coffee," he said. "The espresso at Starbucks has really been fuelling this campaign. For the Timbits, ok fair enough, after a really busy night when we finish at 11 at night, we can be seen sneaking off to Tim Hortons for a box of Timbits."

Campaigning at Tim Hortons venues has become a tradition of sorts for Canadian politicians, with party leaders popping into Tim's locations across the country to mingle with customers and greet workers. The coffee chain was founded in Hamilton, Ont., in 1964.

During the game, Mulcair also revealed his preferences for butter tarts with raisins over those without, salt and vinegar flavour chips over ketchup ones, and Anne Murray over Anne of Green Gables (although he correctly noted that the latter is a "phenomenal hit" with Japanese tourists).

He also gave voters a hint at his pop culture preferences, noting that he prefers Margaret Atwood over Margaret Laurence, Ryan Gosling over Ryan Reynolds, and Drake over Meek Mill.

At the end of the 30 minute interview, Mulcair also took time to encourage young Canadians to vote on Oct. 19.

"This next election is about you, about your future," he said. "Get involved."