Conservative MP Mark Adler pleaded to get in a “million-dollar shot†with Stephen Harper in Jerusalem as the prime minister solemnly observed one of the most sacred Jewish sites.

As Harper visited the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, Adler could be heard in the background asking if he could bypass security to get a photo with the prime minister.

“Can I get in?†Adler asked Harper’s aide Jeremy Hunt.

When Hunt denied the request, Adler said: “It’s the re-election! This is the million-dollar shot!â€

Adler, who represents Toronto’s York Centre riding, then asked if Hunt can bring Harper over later for a handshake.

The Globe and Mail reported that Adler and Natural Resources Minister Joe Oliver were eventually able to pass security and take photos with Harper before he left the site.

Harper placed a written prayer in a crack in the Western Wall before leaving. 

Deepak Obhrai, parliamentary secretary to Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, defended Adler’s actions Tuesday, saying it’s “natural†that the MP would want to take a picture with the prime minister. 

“Mr. Adler represents a riding which has large Jewish community, which has very strong connections with Israel and so it is but natural that he would like to do that, there’s nothing wrong with that and I’m very happy to see Mr. Adler being on that trip,†he told CTV’s Power Play.

However, NDP deputy leader Megan Leslie said photo-ops are “exactly what this trip is about.â€

“It’s not about that real diplomatic work,†she told Power Play.

“It’s interesting because in some ways, Mark Adler is more courageous than many Conservatives have been and he acknowledges that yeah, this is about the re-election.â€

The Opposition has accused Harper of using his Israel trip for partisan purposes and bringing along Conservative MPs, failed candidates and fundraisers at the taxpayers’ expense.

“Taxpayers are paying for it, then you should have people who are going who are going to be representing Canada -- not the Conservative Party only,†said NDP foreign affairs critic Paul Dewar. 

With a report from CTV’s Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife