Canada is expanding its list of Russian individuals and companies to face sanctions in the midst of ongoing Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine, Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said.

Four more “senior Russian individuals†will be banned from travelling to Canada, Baird announced Tuesday. Another five Russian companies and one financial institution will be added to the list of those facing economic sanctions, he said.

The new individuals are:

  • General Dmitry Vitalievich Bulgakov, senior official in the Russian Armed Forces
  • Lieutenant-General Yuriy Eduardovich Sadovenko, senior official in the Russian Armed Forces
  • Colonel-General Nikolay Bogdanovskiy, senior official in the Russian Armed Forces
  • Colonel-General Oleg Leonidovich Salyukov, senior official in the Russian Armed Forces

The new companies are:

  • OJSC Dolgoprudny Research Production Enterprise (DNPP)
  • JSC Kalinin Machine-Building Plant (MZiK)
  • Mitischinskii Machine-Building Plant OAO (MMZ)
  • V. Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design (NIIP)
  • Marine Scientific Research Institute of Radioelectronics Altair (MNIIRE “Altairâ€)

The new financial institution is Sberbank. A statement from Foreign Affairs also notes that "additional restrictions (have been made) to the terms under which designated Russian banks can access capital markets, by prohibiting the issuance of any loan carrying a maturation date greater than 30 days."

Canada has hit Russian individuals and companies with sanctions in a series of announcements amidst Russia’s ongoing military aggression in Ukraine. The United States and other western nations have also imposed economic and other sanctions on Russia.

In response, Russia has banned western agricultural imports for the next year.

Baird told CTV’s Power Play Tuesday that only a “co-ordinated response†will have an impact on Russia’s actions in Ukraine.

“None of us can have much of an effect individually, but when we all act together, 30-plus countries, it can make a big difference,†Baird said.

On Tuesday, Baird also announced that Canada will send 300 observers to Ukraine’s parliamentary elections next month, including a dozen Parliamentarians.

Baird’s announcement came hours before Prime Minister Stephen Harper welcomes Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko for his first official visit to Canada. Poroshenko will address Parliament on Wednesday afternoon during what Baird called “an historic visit.â€

The Canadian government will show Poroshenko that it supports “a robust democracy†in Ukraine, and will find out “what we can do to support†Poroshenko’s young presidency, he said.