OTTAWA -- All three major federal parties are now looking into allegations of misconduct involving present and former members. The cases at a glance:


-- Kent Hehr resigned from cabinet last week after he was accused of making inappropriate sexual remarks during his time as a member of the Alberta legislature. He remains MP for Calgary Centre and a member of the Liberal caucus.

-- The Prime Minister's Office has engaged lawyer Christine Thomlinson to conduct an independent investigation into the allegations.

-- Darshan Kang resigned from the Liberal caucus last summer after a young female staffer accused him of misconduct and said he had offered to pay her $100,000 for her silence. Kang remains an independent MP for Calgary Skyview.

-- The House of Commons human resource officer has been looking into the Kang allegations.

Quote: "I don't have a rule book that's been handed down by Wilfrid Laurier as leader of the Liberal party on how to handle these situations. Every case will be different." -- Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


-- The Conservatives are investigating the case of Rick Dykstra, a former Conservative MP who resigned as president of the Ontario Progressive Conservative party last Sunday, just before Maclean's magazine published a report saying he had been accused of sexual assault in 2014. The magazine said Conservative officials allowed him to run in the 2015 election, despite the allegation.

-- Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer has ordered an outside investigation of Dykstra's candidacy.

Quote: "It is difficult to ascertain the facts when sources are speaking anonymously to the media. So to gather these facts, I have instructed the Conservative party of Canada to retain the services of an outside, independent third party, who can investigate this situation fully." -- Scheer.


-- Erin Weir, MP for Regina-Lewvan, has been suspended from his party duties after an allegation that he engaged in harassing behaviour towards female members of the NDP staff.

-- NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh said an independent investigator will investigate, and the party is reminding staff of the options available to them if they're ever subjected to unacceptable behaviour.

Quote: "Once the work of the investigator has completed their work, the MP's role in caucus will be re-evaluated." -- Singh.