LOS ANGELES - Two freelance photographers are suing Hollywood actresses Denise Richards and Pamela Anderson, charging Richards physically and verbally assaulted them when they tried to take her picture at a casino in British Columbia and that she and Anderson lied to authorities, the news media and others about the confrontation.

The lawsuit, filed Friday in Los Angeles Superior Court, said Richards and Anderson were at the River Rock Casino Resort in Richmond, B.C. on Nov. 9, 2006, to work on the forthcoming film "Blonde and Blonder.''

When Richards saw Scott Cosman and Rik Fedyck taking her picture, the suit said, she became enraged, called them "paparazzi scum'' and other names, assaulted them, seized their laptop computers and threw the laptops over a hotel balcony.

Two elderly women _ one 90 years old, the other 81 years of age _  were sitting below the balcony and were then hit by the falling laptops.

They each suffered minor injuries, caused by the impact of the computers hitting their arms.

The confrontation, which lasted more than 20 minutes, was recorded by hotel security cameras, the photographers said.

Afterward, they said, Richards and Anderson "made repeated false and defamatory statements to law enforcement and various media outlets which were deliberately calculated to embarrass, humiliate and ridicule plaintiffs.''

Lawyers and representatives for Richards and Anderson did not immediately respond Saturday to e-mails and phone calls.

The photographers, who seek unspecified damages, said the incident caused them to lose revenue when clients abandoned them and also caused them emotional stress.