HELSINKI, Finland - Pamela Anderson wants Finland to "move into the 21st century'' and halt fur farming.

The Canadian-born celebrity, who arrived Thursday to host a music festival west of Helsinki, said in a letter to Finnish President Tarja Halonen that the Nordic country should emulate other countries that have banned fur farms.

"It's time for Finland to move into the 21st century and follow suit,'' Andersen said in the letter, distributed to media by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, an animal rights group.

Finland's fur auctioneers said the appeal was unrealistic.

"It's not surprising coming from her, a known anti-fur campaigner,'' said Paivi Mononen-Mikkila, a spokeswoman for the Finnish Fur Sales auction house. "It's really not realistic, as so many people earn their livelihood from the fur trade.''

Finland, one of Europe's top fur producers, has 1,400 farms that annually produce some two million fox furs. The industry employs 10,000 people.

Halonen's office acknowledged receiving the letter but declined comment.

Anderson, whose great grandfather was Finnish, was to co-host a weekend midsummer festival, featuring pop music and celebrities, in Rauma, 250 kilometres west of Helsinki.