Video has surfaced of Pakistan's ambassador to Afghanistan, who went missing in February.

Al Arabiya, an Arab satellite television news channel, broadcast on Saturday a two-minute clip of Tariq Azizuddin, along with his bodyguard and driver.

The three are shown sitting on the ground amid green brush. Behind them are three masked men. They are armed with automatic weapons and dressed in traditional robes.

Azizuddin tells the camera he had been kidnapped by the Taliban and has lived comfortably for 27 days.

This suggests the video was made some time ago, as Azizuddin went missing on Feb. 11, disappearing near Pakistan's border with Afghanistan.

In the video, Azizuddin urged Pakistan's ambassadors in Iran and China, as well as his country's foreign ministry, to meet Taliban demands.

Pakistan's foreign ministry said it is studying the video. However, it wouldn't comment on whether it has received any specific demands.

With files from The Associated Press